Friday, November 28, 2008

John F. Pendegrass Attorney at Law Chapel Hill NC

Dear John (you don't deserve the respect of me calling you Mr. Pendegrass)

You are an inconsiderate condescending cantankerous asshole. YOU contacted me for business. You were rude from the second you answered the phone and you didn't actually listen to a word I said. When I asked you why you were being so condescending by replying to one of my comments with "DUH!" you had the nerve to hang up on me!

Thank you so much for taking 5 minutes from my life that I will never get back (3 of which was posting this)

Your life really must suck. So sad.

The person who wouldn't hire you if you were FREE and the last attorney on the planet.

Thursday, November 27, 2008


Please remember that which you are thankful for. Look for the little things in life that make you smile, and already remember, no matter how bad you have it, no matter what your situation someone has it worse.


AT&T/Bell South DSL People Rock

I wake up yesterday and start my normal routine. I stumble into the living room where my wonderful laptop sits and waits for me to check my morning mail, see what sales are coming up for Black Friday. Then of course I had actually work. I can't live without my laptop. I log on, wait for the wheels to whirl, horns to go off, things to happen and ........ oh shit. No Internet connection. So I look and find my modem is dead - completely dead. Turns out when I moved the wireless a few weeks ago, I switched the power cords and apparently blew up the modem that couldn't handle the Wireless power cord.

So I call our DSL provider Bell South (I'm pretty certain I reached Turkey or Istanbul) who tells me that they will ship me a new modem and I'll have it Monday. WHAT??????? OH HELL TO THE NO! So after the operator detects the panic and doom in my voice she tells me that they can get it to me tomorrow - if my UPS works on Thanksgiving. (Further proof she wasn't in the US) and when I tell her how I depend on the Internet to work and I'll lose a week's pay not having that modem for 2 days, she forwards me on to someone who she thinks can help. Next thing I know I'm talking to a sweet gal who is very sympathetic to my plight. She has me on and off hold while she checks to see if any techs are in our area. Finally tells me that she'll have someone here between 12pm and 5pm. YAAAY!

At 11pm I get a phone call from Angelo who tells me he'll be by in about an hour. I answered with "I LOVE YOU" and he promptly busted into laughter and said "I don't get that customers much" An hour later my hero arrived dressed in uniform with a big ole smile on his face. He was here for a few hours bless his heart. Replacing the modem was simple, getting 2 laptops and a desktop, not so much. On top of that, my wireless router seems to be kaput as well. No problem says Angelo, I have one in the truck. Within minutes he has mine and my daughters laptops cruisin the net. Then he goes to the computer room to hook up hubbys desktop. An hour later and 2 usb wireless thingy ma bobbers and it's still not working. Angelo pops up out of the chair and says "I have another one in my truck" and he comes back in and works it another half hour or so - still no connection. Hubby comes in and they chat for awhile and eventually get it to work with one of our original thingy ma bobbers.

So, in conclusion I'd like to thank AT&T/Bell South and especially Angelo and the nameless gal who helped get my Internet working in no time. Funny side story. I asked Angelo if he had children and he said "A 4 year old son and another 2 due in July" I said "Twins? You are expecting twins?" He said "Well, we're not for sure. But one day our 4yo told his mom that she had 2 boys in her belly and we weren't even trying and her period was still a week away, she took a pregnancy test that day and was pregnant, we'll find out if it's twins shortly" Amazing huh?

Thank you Angelo - you are my hero!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008


I am so deeply saddened. I can't tell the story right now but last Monday our beloved 2 year old cat had to be put down with a severed spine. He was missing for 11 days and dragged him self home to be with us. I have a lot of feelings and emotions going on with that and can't talk about it without crying. Maybe another time.

To add to the pain, my 12 year old pit bull died in her sleep tonite. She was everything a pit bull is NOT supposed to be. Scared of heights, loved cats, kids and people and never nipped, snipped or growled at anything or anyone in her life.


3/2007 - 11/17/2008

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Nov 1997 - 11/25/2008

Part 3 The Omni Hotel - work here, get ipod free!

OK so now I have to back up a few in order to tell you the rest of the story.

On March 23, 2006 I walked out of the courthouse. A single woman after 19 years of marriage. WOW. It felt strange, it felt scary, it felt.......odd. So I head to the nearest Best Buy and I purchase an Ipod Video for myself. That evening I started docking it in a bedside clock/dock thingy and listened to it as I drifted off to sleep. Somehow it comforted me. For almost 3 years, I have slept with that same ipod every single night including an extended hospital stay.

I'm unpacking the laptop and carryon type bags and I'm starting to panic more and more. I can't find the ipod. Where the hell is my ipod. It's not just an ipod folks, it's my security blanket. I had slept with this the night of my divorce, I slept with it on my honeymoon with my wonderful new husband. I slept with it every freaking night. Where the hell is my ipod?

I go thru everything 2 and 3 times, husband and daughter helping as I grow more frantic. I call the hotel, I'm sent to Loss Prevention's voicemail. I leave a detailed message, the room, the item, the check in, check out, last time I saw it, yadda yadda yadda. (no I never watched seinfeld, it was my saying long before his) An hour later Loss Prevention calls. HE takes all the information, tells me he has been to the room and can't find any trace of the ipod and he has also talked to Laundry folks. He tells me he will write it down and if it shows up they'll get it back to me. BULLSHIT. I've given that same schpeal to guests over the years. But somehow this was different. I KNEW I left that ipod right on the bed. I can close my eyes and see it there. IT wasn't in the blankets, it wasn't under a pillow, it was right there.

Now, here are 2 things I know for sure.

1. Housekeepers do not normally steal. That's not a joke. It's true. Why would they risk stealing your shoes for a paycheck? Sometimes however the reward is worth the risk and on a rare occasion the room attendant, a houseman, or a supervisor will take home an item that clearly does not belong to them (most of the time it's liquor or something else insignificant) I've never had a room attendant take money or goods from a guest. I did however have a gentlemen scream at me for 20 minutes telling me that his room attendant stole his 3 porn dvds. His room attendant was 64 year old Santa Maria (no kidding) a cuban immigrant that adored her family and had to have every Sunday off to be with Jesus. She had also worked there for 18 years. Trust me, she did not steal the man's porn. Turned out later, his buddy down the hall did.

2. There is your standard rule at all hotels "We are not responsible for lost or stolen items"

So, when I've had to deal with a guest who has had something missing from their room, I've always tried to handle it with tact and empathy. Did The Omni Hotel do that? Well would I be writing this if they had?

First I talk to the acting AGM on the phone who assures me that the ipod isn't there. I call and leave a message for the GM who calls me back a few hours later. Which in their defense was pretty damn quick considering it was a Monday. Anyone in the 'biz' knows that Mondays are hell, mostly because their lazy asses don't work on Sunday.

From the first hello I can tell this guy is going to be an ass. But, I maintain my cool. First he wants to get to the issue of the room cleanliness. He acts shocked and amazed that the sheets were sewn together. He tells me that it's not possible, etc. Then I tell him what his acting GM said earlier about it being a sheet they could never locate to take out of stock. He then says "So, you were comped for both nights weren't you? I said "Yes I was" he then replies "Well I have a BIG issue with that. You should have never been comped for both nights" This folks, this was just insane. But, I dismiss it as him having a conversation with another person in the industry. But the more I thought about it (later of course) screw that. Regardless if I'm an 'insider' I was still a guest. Why would he say that to a guest?

I told him "Actually Mr. Jackass" (ok the jackass part wasn't said out loud) I was stunned that they comped both nights. Let me tell you what I would have done had I been in that situation.

Bare in mind, this is what my actions as a Department Head. I never heard from the Omni Hotel Department Head.

1. I would have had that room remedied IMMEDIATELY.
2. I would have personally inspected it with the room attendant.
3. I would personally meet with the guest, apologized and offered them an in room movie.
4. I would have sent up a fruit tray to go with the in-room movie and a card once again apologizing and wishing them a great stay and my contact info if they were in need of anything.

I said all of the above verbatim to Mr. Jackass and he replied "You shouldn't have been comp'd for two nights. I sighed and then asked "What does this have to do with the missing ipod?" He then goes on to tell me that one doesn't have to do with the other (then why all the harping on the comp'd room?) and then tells me that he will have his Operations Manager (guy usually in charge but under assistant manager) call me and they will contact their insurance to replace the IPOD.

He then proceeds to tell me that getting their insurance company involved will increase his premiums!! Who the hell promoted this ass? I never talked to him after that conversation.

However, I did get a call from the super nice, super apologetic Operations Manager who apologized over and over, expressed empathy over the ipod and told me he would do what he could to locate it or to send a new one. He called the next day to tell me I'd be hearing from the insurance company and to ask if I had located the ipod - which I had not.

The next day - a seemingly nice lady calls with the insurance company (this was Thursday the 20th) and asks a slew of questions. Then she brings up that I'm in the industry and wanted to know what my thoughts were. I let her know that the last thing I would do ever is to blame a hard working room attendant for stealing. I let her know it was a very difficult phone call to make because there is no other explanation. She assured me she would be back with me soon.

Today she calls around 10am to tell me that they have investigated and found no liability with the hotel, so they are declining the claim. She stated and I quote "They checked the room immediately after your departure and it was not there" What is wrong with this statement you ask? 1) I didn't realize it was missing until we got home late that evening and 2) anyone can lift a forgotten ipod off a bed within seconds of you leaving.

The truth is, Room Attendants and/or Houseman stalk you until you leave your room and go in immediately to see if there is a tip, a huge mess to clean up, or to judge the amount of time it will take them to fix the room for the next guest.

So there you have it. The entire story.

All I can say is that the Omni is very lucky that I was NOT your average Guest. But I guess staying 2 nights for free in their dirty, poorly maintained room was worth the loss of an ipod in their opinion.

Part 2 Omni Hotel - Customer Service? Yeah....

The next morning we are awakened by family calling. We are there for a wedding so there are countless family and friends staying at the hotel as well. I called to "Guest Services" and request a full bed change. Linens, pillows, blanket & Cover. She asks why, I tell her why. I'm very nice about it. I explain we will be down for breakfast for an hour or two, then we'll be back in the room for an hour, then gone for several hours. I told them to take their time but it was important that it was done by 4pm as we had an evening wedding to prepare for.

Just as we are about to leave for breakfast, a room inspector shows up. These are folks that are generally 1 step above a room attendant. They inspect rooms to make sure they are ok for the guest and assist in training new hires. I invite her in, I show her the bed and she shakes her head and sighs. "We'll have this taken care of as soon as possible ma'am, I'm sorry" she says thru her missing teeth. Uggg.... No offense if you are missing your FRONT teeth and the ones not missing are black, but you do not belong talking to guests in a luxury (ahem) hotel.

We drive down to Williamsburg to do some shopping for a coupla hours (another post on that to follow) and we get back to the hotel around 4:10. Our room has not been touched. AND there are not one but TWO calls from Guest Services wanting to know if everything had been done to our satisfaction. HRUMPH!

Ok first off let me say that when we were walking to our room I noticed 4 doors in our section had been popped. This means that swing lock was engaged so you just had to push the door to have it open. Room Attendants and Houseman do this so they can quickly identify vacant rooms that need cleaned. Additionally I know that my sister who is down the hall had not been serviced. So, if my calculations were correct, the room attendant who had 19 rooms still had 4 VD's (vacant dirtys) and 2 OD's (occupied dirtys) which meant 6 rooms where still on her board to finish that day and it was almost 4:30. From what I was later told, Saturdays they quit at 5:30 which meant that the room attendant SHOULD have 2 rooms left, not 6. Industry standard is 22-27 minutes per room average.

So I call the front desk and what do they want to do? Send someone immediately. NO! I can't have someone now, there are 3 people that have to shower and be down stairs to a wedding in ONE hour. I told them to please send someone after 5:30. They agree and start to apologize, I hang up. 10 minutes later the door to the room opens then promptly shuts. Housekeeping has tried to enter the room without knocking - ohhhhhhh bad ju ju. 30 minutes after talking to the front desk, Housekeeping knocks on the door to service the room. At this point I'm ready to scream. I calmly tell her to come back after 5:30 and I shut the door.

Later that evening I'm walking by the front desk and I stop and talked to a young lady there who identifies herself as an acting AGM (Assistant General Manager) I tell her what happened and she assures me she will take care of it while I'm at the reception (held in the hotel) and they apologize yadda yadda yadda. We came back from the reception and sure enough the room was spotless and all the linens had been swapped out.

Now, you would think the story ends there but noooooooo. There would be no reason for this blog if that were the case.

The next morning we meet our family and friends for a breakfast function. I open the door and find the folio (bill) hanging on the doorknob. I look and find they have comp'd me for BOTH nites. WOW. While it doesn't make up for the bs of the last 30 hours or so, it sure was a nice treat. I stop at the front desk to find the same gal still there. I thank her for comp'ing both nights, she smiles and says "We have been trying to find that missing sheet for months and it kept hiding from us!" then she proceeds to apologize for the crappy service and then informed me that the 3rd floor was their training floor. I assume she's telling me this as a hotel insider and that she wouldn't share that info with just any guest. But hell what do I know?

Off we drive for thankfully 5 uneventful hours until we reach home.

Read Post #3 for the theft of an IPOD and the rest of the story.

Part 1 Omni Hotel - anything BUT Luxury

I am in management in the hotel industry. Housekeeping Manager/Director (Executive Housekeeper) to be exact and have had several stints with the big boys ie Marriott & Hilton. I know what I should expect when paying for luxury accommodations (or any accommodations for that matter!) True, I can get a little how shall we say...... picky? But think about your profession and your expectations when you are dealing with something you know well. Rarely do I actually do anything about it other than comment to my husband and then bring it it to my staff and during Management Meetings. Sort of a "Don't let this happen to you" kinda thing. But once in a blue moon, I'm prompted to do something about the shitty product or shitty service I've received.

But thanks to the Omni Hotel in Newport News Virginia I am doing more than just commenting to my husband. I created a blog. Thank you Omni you piece of crap hotel.

We arrive on 11/15 at 3:30am and we're exhausted because our smooth 5 hour drive has become a 9 1/2 hour nightmare thanks to torrential rain and traffic (and that big nasty tornado that hit NC) Thankfully they didn't walk us. Walking is what happens when you over book the hotel and you are the sorry ass that arrived the latest so they give you a voucher to stay somewhere else.

The hotel looks nice enough at first glance, a little gaudy if you ask me. We get up to our room on the 3rd floor and open the door. It's nicely decorated but the furniture is kinda funky with the tv stand thingy turned toward the bed (hadn't been turned back to the sitting area). Oh but stay tuned my friends, it gets worse.

We pull down the comforter on the bed to find a YELLOW down blanket covering the king sized bed. Not because it was died yellow, but because it was STAINED yellow. The bottom sheet, a Flat Sheet (hotels way to save a few bucks per sheet by not getting fitted) is a curious oddity. I look closer.... someone has taken a FULL sheet and sewn on part of another to make a king sheet. Are you shitting me? This is the Omni hotel, not Motel 6 WTF? But, we're exhausted so we deal with it. Then we lay our heads on the feather pillows. They smelled like sweat. Nasty sweat. As we lay there I vow to say something when we get up in the morning because this in my opinion as an industry insider is WAY unacceptable.

So as we are laying in the bed, my husband looks up and says "Look at that!" There are holes in the wall right above the headboard - screw holes. Several of them. And the smoke detector has wires hanging out... hmmm....... does the thing work? Then there is a small square detector in every room (heat) and that has wires hanging out on the back as well.

We finally drift off to sleep, our 17yo is on the pull out couch with a sheet because there was no blanket and she refused to use our nasty comforter or nasty bed spread. So did we, which is why we all froze that night.

Continue to next post to read more.